Camcorders Buying Guide In Singapore

Digital video cameras have made filming and editing an easy task for many people. A decade ago humans had very limited options, but not anymore! You want to buy one and find that the store counter is flooded with various models of digital 4K camcorders from different manufacturers, each with different features and formats. Now comes the hardest part: choosing the right one for your goals and budget.

The following sections aim to guide you through the maze of models and help you choose the one that suits you best.


Of the two types, analog camcorders and digital camcorders, digital camcorders are becoming fashionable nowadays. Analog camcorders are too complicated, cumbersome and difficult to use. Therefore, this analog model was soon replaced. Digital recording on tape, DVD or hard disk and repeated playback without loss of quality are the main advantages of digital camcorders. They produce outstanding video quality, clarity and clarity with a resolution of 500 lines, making the ability to capture video with a digital camera irresistible.

Basic function

Let's take a look at the main features of the camcorder. This will help you figure out which one really suits your goals.

Screen size

The bigger the screen size, the more you can see what you're recording. At the same time, more energy is drawn from the battery. If you plan to shoot frequently in bright sunlight, the additional functionality of the viewfinder will be very useful, and will also save energy. There are different models with different plate sizes.

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