What to Look for in an Investment Real Estate Agent

A good connection for busy investors is an investment agent. They are your eyes and ears for new deals. They have access to the Multiple Listing Service and many other tools that allow them to spot potential investment properties weeks or even months before they hit the market.

They are also skilled negotiators and can research properties to find out all history and baggage. These skills will save you time and money over the long term. An investment real estate representative is a licensed real estate pro who specializes in helping investors to find properties.

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These are the few characteristics that investment agents who excel in real estate should possess.

     1. Great negotiation skills

The profit margin is smaller the higher you pay for a property. An investment agent should know how to negotiate a deal and find properties at a discount.

Don't be afraid to ask for a record of an agent's most recent sales and compare it to local comps. What bargains did they get for clients in the past? What was the cost of those buyers they saved?

     2. Lightning-fast communication

In the world of investment, time is everything. You can't afford to wait for a steal on a property. This time crunch means that you need to choose an agent who is responsive, attentive, quick on the draw, and responsive to your needs. 

Your agent will get serious commissions if you are a successful investor. When choosing a partner, make sure they are worth it. These could be the difference between success and failure.

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