What Score Do You Need to Pass the ASVAB?

If you are worried about switching to ASVAB, now is the time to cool off. Your ASVAB score will depend on your military goals. But you want to do your best when you take an online ASVAB course at https://www.andysasvabclass.com/ so that you get an education and internship that will better allow you to excel. All you have to do is study, try and you will get better. 

ASVAB rating

Your ASVAB score is the result of your handling of the entire test as in all nine sections. Your score also represents the number of people who did worse than you on the test.

Air Force

To join the Air Force, one must achieve at least 36 points from ASVAB on a 99-point scale. The total ASVAB score is known as the AFQT score, or Armed Forces Qualification Test result, and most people get 50 or more.


To join the army, examiners had to score 31 points to join the army. However, recently the army released people who only earned 26 points in the test. However, if you want to qualify for a bonus or setup incentive, you must score at least 50 points.


All you need is 35 unless you are in the Navy, and then you only need 31.

Marine Corps

You need 32 points to join the Marines, although there are exceptions. The Marines are known to recruit recruits with scores of up to 25.

Coast Guard

You need at least 40 AFQT to enter the Coast Guard. You can be rejected if you earn fewer points when your ASVAB results qualify you for a particular job and you are ready to apply for that job.

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