How to Provide First Aid For Your Horse

If your horse is in the field of race and is critically injured, then it is very important to treat them as soon as possible before converted into any serious problem.

Moreover, you can also call your vet, until and unless the below given are some steps that you need to give the treatment to your horse as soon as possible. For more information, you can click this link for remedies that are used in the treatment of the horse.

Horse Treatment

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The basic steps are:

The first and foremost thing for which you have to be sure that you have a first aid kit along with you in advance. The first aid kit must compose of all the fundamental elements that are needed at the time of emergencies and even for small cuts.

The important elements that are available in first aid kid are thermometer so as to check the temperature of the horse which usually lies between 99-115 degrees. There must also be a stethoscope for monitoring the heart rate of horses.

Moreover, you also have wire cutters in the first aid kit if in any case horse trapped in the gate or wire lines. You also have to make use of shudder which helps keep your horse in a calm situation and also control their pain.

Last but not least there must also have an iodine solution so as to clean the chunky wounds. Each and every wound should be treated with the help of a veterinarian within a few hours of the injury so that the wound will not dry.

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