How To Clean A Non Slip Yoga Mat?

Did you know that one of the best ways to clean a yoga mat is to use a mild detergent and water? If your mat is feeling old or dirty, this DIY cleaning solution will help restore its original luster.

One can get more insights about the best non-slip yoga mat via There are a few things you can do to clean your yoga mat easily and effectively.

-Wash it in the washing machine on a delicate or low cycle. 

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-If you don’t have a washer, you can handwash it in cold water with a mild soap. 

-If you don’t have a dryer, you can put it in the sun or on the floor of your balcony or porch for a day or two. 

-If you don’t have a balcony or porch, you can put it in a very low-temperature dryer for about 30 minutes with no clothes. 

On the first couple of washes, it's best to avoid using soap on your mat. If you do decide to use soap, be sure to rinse thoroughly. You may also want to use an anti-microbial spray like vinegar and water as well.

If your yoga mat is made of synthetic rubber, you can simply rinse it off with water. If it’s made of natural rubber, you’ll need to use a cleaner that is specifically designed for rubber surfaces. Follow the directions on the cleaner bottle or package. 

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