Direct Primary Care: Restarting A Patient-Doctor Relationship

Direct primary care is a term that's been around for some time, but recently it has become more widespread. Direct primary care allows patients to skip the usual medical appointment and opt for a shorter, private consultation with the doctor instead. This type of visit allows for more in-depth conversations and faster treatment in comparison to traditional appointments.

What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is a new model of care that involves the patient directly interacting with their doctor. The goal of Direct Primary Care is to improve patient satisfaction and reduce the cost of care. You can get more details about direct primary care physicians at

Direct Primary Care is growing in popularity, with more than 20 million Americans now receiving care through this model. Here are three reasons why you might want to consider switching to Direct Primary Care: 

1. improved patient satisfaction- patients who receive care through Direct Primary Care report higher levels of satisfaction with their relationships with their doctors than those who receive care through traditional models. This is likely due to the increased communication between doctor and patient, as well as the decreased reliance on third-party providers.

2. cost savings- direct primary care physicians see fewer patients overall than their peers in traditional medicine, meaning they can charge lower fees for services. This can save you money in the long run, especially if you have insurance that covers only part of the cost of traditional healthcare.

3. better health outcomes- studies have shown that patients who receive care through Direct Primary Care are more likely to see improvements in their health than those who receive care through traditional models. This is likely due to the increased emphasis on preventive measures and coordinated care among doctors and patients.

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