Monsanto Roundup Lawsuits – Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Injuries In Illinois

The Monsanto Roundup case claims the company has not warned consumers about the increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers. You want to get more information regarding roundup cancer lawsuits in Illinois via

Our law firm seeks compensation for those who have experienced significant roundup exposure and who have been diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma or non-Hodgkin T-cells, including many subtypes such as follicular lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and lymphoma B cell lymphoma and cell leukaemia hairy.

What do we know about Monsanto's lawsuits?

As part of Monsanto's lawsuits, the plaintiff's attorney said that Monsanto has known for more than 30 years that there is a relationship between Roundup use and cancer.

However, the company made a conscious decision not to warn the public and even to market products as safe as table salt and were practically non-toxic to humans, pets, birds and fish.

Intensive use and exposure to Roundup are associated with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers.

Court documents show that Monsanto has produced false data, attacked legitimate studies that reveal the dangers of Roundup, and launched a misinformation campaign to convince government agencies, farmers and the general public that the herbicide is safe.

The documents even show that Monsanto has partnered with the EPA to refute the relationship between summary and cancer.

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