The Importance Of Eyebrow Shaping

Eyebrow shaping is one of the most important steps in achieving a perfect arch. If you have sparse eyebrows, your arch will be less pronounced and you'll need to shape them more than someone with fuller eyebrows.

Eyebrow shaping service in Montreal can help to restore the symmetry of your eyebrows and give you a more balanced look. There are three main methods for achieving an arch: using wax, using tweezers, or using a brow pencil.

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Waxing is the most common method because it's easy to do and doesn't require any special skills. To wax your eyebrows, simply apply hot wax to the top of each eyebrow and hold it there for about 10 seconds. Be sure to avoid getting wax on your eyes or skin below your eyes. After waxing, use a cotton ball to clean off the excess wax and Apply a light brow powder to set the shape.

The second method for achieving an arch is tweezing. To tweeze your eyebrows, start by dividing each eyebrow into two equal parts and plucking away hairs from the center of each part until you reach the edge. Be careful not to pull too hard or you'll end up with scars on your brows. After tweezing, use a light eyebrow powder to set the shape.

The third method for achieving an arch is using a brow pencil. To use a brow pencil, first fill in the roots of your eyebrows with dark brown color (or black if you have really dark hair). Next, shade in the middle of each eyebrow using light brown color until it begins to merge with the roots . Finally, fill in the ends of your eyebrows with a darker brown color. To set the shape, use a light eyebrow powder.

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