Vaccinating Your Pet: What’s An Owner To Do?

Recently, a paradigm shift has occurred in veterinary medicine. In recent years, new research has revealed that most pets don't need annual vaccinations because their immune systems retain the ability to fight infection several years after vaccination. This article discusses new recommendations for your pet and presents mine overall.

New vaccination protocols have been developed by various medical organizations (AVMA, AAHA, Association of Practitioner Cats) and veterinary schools. These protocols were developed in response to the increased incidence of cancer in some cats after multiple injections, most commonly vaccines. You can also get more information about Vaccine Protocols for pets via

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The immunization standard is a series of annual "shots" after the first series of puppy and kitten vaccinations. Although vaccine manufacturers recommend annual vaccinations based on vaccine testing to meet labeling requirements, no one knows how long the pet injection lasts. All we know is that vaccination will protect animals for at least 1 year.

After finding an increased incidence of sarcoma tumors in some cats that had received multiple immunizations, the researchers decided to start testing the cats to see how long the vaccine immunity could last. The goal is to try to minimize vaccination so that the chances of the cat developing a sarcoma at the injection site will also be minimized.

This vaccination cycle ensures that your pet only receives each vaccine every 3 years, but receives multiple immunizations at each visit.

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