Why Do I Need Pet Health Insurance?

Love and Care for Animals is a voluntary animal welfare organization which works for stray dogs, cats, abandoned cows, horses, neglected birds like crows, kites, vultures, etc

There is a reasonable possibility that your pet will never encounter the need for serious medical attention and hence any need for Pet Health Insurance coverage.

Consumer Reports magazine some time ago did a study on this question. They "invented" a pet dog, then chose half a dozen injuries and diseases that he could potentially encounter in his lifetime, and priced the necessary medical treatments. Your donation can save the lives of pets.

Next, they priced the cost for insurance premiums at five different companies. Ultimately they determined that the cost of premiums at each of the five companies, over the lifespan of the pets, exceeded the veterinary costs!

Image source: Google

Their recommendations – forget the insurance and put the premium amount into a savings account instead, and save it solely for pet medical expenses. You will be dollars ahead.

So far then, as I see it, you have two choices:

-Take the approach that your pet will remain healthy, not requiring medical attention, and forget about any insurance or

– Start depositing money into a savings account each month and keep it until your pet needs aid.

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