Components Of An Hvac System

When it comes to repairing or maintaining an HVAC system, it's important to have a clear understanding of the components that make up the system. This guide will provide an overview of each component and explain what needs to be done when there are issues with each one. 

The air handler is the heart of your HVAC system and contains the valves, coils, and motors that control the airflow into and out of your home. When something goes wrong with your air handler, it can cause problems with your entire system. In most cases, simply replacing the air handler will fix most issues, but if the issue is more serious you may need to replace other parts of the system as well.

If you’re looking for more information about hvac repair & maintenance, you may check this out.

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The ductwork connects your air handler to the rooms in your home and carries warm air from the furnace into those rooms. If ductwork is leaking or broken, warm air can escape from your home and cause problems like high energy bills and condensation on window sills. In most cases, repairing or replacing ductwork will fix these problems.

The evaporator coil is located in your furnace and helps to cool down the indoor air before it enters your house through the ductwork. If this coil is damaged or not working properly, it can cause inefficient cooling which could lead to a host of other problems like high energy bills and frozen pipes in wintertime. In most cases, fixing or replacing this coil will fix these issues.

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